No one, absolutely NO ONE, wants to think about what the "World" will be "like" for their families when they are no longer "here".
BUT, if you fail to plan for what is essentially the inevitable, you risk not only not protecting your Family, but you risk that "Others" will make decisions that YOU may not have wanted.
An Estate "Plan" does NOT have to be complicated or expensive.
EVERYONE should have, at the very least, a "simple" Will, a Durable Power of Attorney, a Health Care Proxy and a Living Will/Directive.
That said, YOUR ESTATE PLAN and thus YOUR FAMILY may best be served with a Trust and other legacy vehicles.
It behooves YOU to sit down with Paul or Darlene to discuss your estate planning objectives.
YOUR Planning TODAY will save you, your spouse, your children and grandchildren needless worrying and work.
Even if your "children" are the "four legged variety", even if you are not married, your intentions for what happens after you are "gone" MUST be in writing or they will not be followed.
Together WE can create an Estate Plan that will serve to preserve your assets and your legacy and PROTECT yourself and your Family.
It's not always about Death; what happens if you become disabled? What happens if you become incapacitated?
"Life" happens while we are "planning it", so please consider "planning it" BEFORE "Life happens".
It is NEVER TOO EARLY to consult Estate Planning Attorneys Darlene Randone and Paul Lambert for your wills and your trusts in North Andover, and throughout Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island.
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